In the News: Read What Others are Saying about Get "Slightly" Famous
"Few things can have greater impact on your personal brand and your organization's brand recognition than developing and sharing your expertise with the world. Whether you call it becoming a thought leader or a public expert, or, as marketing guru Steven Yoder's book espouses, Getting Slightly Famous, you should do it. Trust me. I'm living proof that it works." here to read the full article
From: By: Keith Ferrazzi
"Some people truly walk their talk. At a time when many Americans are pushing for more isolation, Steven Van Yoder is reaching out globally. Yoder, a popular journalist, small business guru and author of the new book Get Slightly Famous, is a man with a mission, to bring the message of entrepreneurship to the developing world." here to read the full article
From: By: Scott Allen
This "how-to" branding book's premise is simple, yet powerful: Become a minor celebrity in your field of expertise, and you'll get more business than you can handle. Small-business owners, especially those whose firms are intrinsically linked to their name and personal reputation, will find this book helpful. here to read the full article [subscription required]
From: PR Week US By: Bill Madway
"The title of Steven Van Yoder's new book reminds us of that great quote from 1987's The Princess Bride. 'Your friend is just mostly dead,' Billy Crystal's Miracle Max says. 'Mostly dead is slightly alive. With all dead, there's only one thing you can do - go through his clothes and look for loose change.' Yoder's advice is to forget about being famous or even all famous. People just need to worry about being 'slightly famous'."
Get Slightly Famous: Become A Celebrity In Your Field And Attract More Business With Less Effort by Steven Van Yoder is a unique and instructional business guide to becoming famous within the context of the business world and thereby attracting clientele and increasing revenues through sheer visibility. A wealth of tips, tricks, and techniques for acquiring and consistently holding media attention; using speaking engagements to become noticed by a targeted market; harvesting the full potential of the Internet; creating ancillary "info-products" to build public awareness, and a great deal more, Get Slightly Famous is excellent, profitable, and highly recommended supplemental reading for businesspeople and marketers on all scales and theaters of commerce.
Book Review -- The book offers information on targeting the best prospects; developing a unique niche; PR versus advertising; making yourself irresistible to the media; how to write a great lead for your press release; how to get an article into print; how to build a media kit; speaking strategies; marketing and selling infoproducts; co-branding and strategic alliances; getting the most from memberships and networking; how to create newsletters; how to build your web biz and more.
"Now, here's another good source of information: Steven Van Yoder's brand new book,"How To Get Slightly Famous: Become A Celebrity in Your Field and Attract More Business with Less Effort." One of the best features of this book: more than 40 "mini-case histories", actual examples of diverse entrepreneurs employing the suggested strategies.
Get Slightly Famous Teleclass, Learn how to be the go-to person in your field. Classes are led by Steven Van Yoder, author of Get Slightly Famous(Bay Tree Publishing).
Steven Van Yoder is the author of Get Slightly Famous: Become a Celebrity in Your Field and Attract More Business With Less Effort a book that shows how small business owners can turn themselves into mini-celebrities, so that customers seek them out or at least have that "Oh, I've heard about you" recognition when they contact them.
Host: Bob Sommers, Aug. 27, 2004 Steven Van Yoder - How to Get Slightly Famous Are you famous? How about slightly famous? That's all the fame you need to completely change your good fortune. Listen to Steven Van Yoder discuss his research on what makes people visible and credible. This could be you! listen to the audio clip