Full-Service Programs: Customized to Meet Your Individual NeedsFull-Service Programs are ideal for businesses that want to enjoy the benefits of the Get Slightly Famous marketing system but don't have the time to implement a comprehensive program on their own. Customized to meet your individual needs, Full-Service programs are results-oriented. We apply the Get Slightly Famous marketing model to your unique business situation with an emphasis on generating leads, sales and higher profits. Full-service programs can pursue a variety of objectives based on your and marketing goals. We've helped clients:
Depending on individual circumstances, clients experience results within 3- to- 6 months after we start working together. The duration of Full- Service Programs is usually from 6-to-12 months, and we guarantee results.
Customized to Your Needs, Budget and GoalsThis is not a one-size-fits-all program. We tailor Full Service Programs to your particular objectives based on your needs, budget and marketing goals. Each program is customized to meet your individual needs, but we always work through these steps with you: Get to Know Your BusinessEach program begins with an initial Get Slightly Famous market analysis. In this analysis we develop an understanding of your business and industry -- how you work, how you are unique, what you are currently doing to promote yourself, and what is newsworthy about what you do. We then optimize your target market, positioning and branding strategies based on the Get Slightly Famous marketing model. Develop a Media ListWe then develop a media list of relevant print, online and, when applicable, broadcast media. We research your industry to unearth all points of entry to your target market, including industry influencers, trade and business associations, special interest publications, email newsletters, blogs and list of web sites that reach your prospects. Position You As An Expert and Media ResourceWe position our clients as experts and connect you with editors and journalists who write about your industry. We've helped our clients get quoted in business and consumer publications such as Redbook, the Business Week, the Rotarian and The Christian Science Monitor. Our inside media experience will help you turn your business knowledge into a halo of authority that gets the media calling you!
Generate Story IdeasWe develop story ideas related to your business that we pitch to publications on your media list. We generate ideas that are newsworthy (and likely to be of interest to editors), and base them on the messages you want to communicate to your target audience. We also devise strategies that will encourage prospects to contact you once they have read your articles.
Pursue the PressWe approach selected publications on your approved media list. Once we get an editorial commitment, we will notify you to make sure you are in agreement before we arrange interviews or start writing articles. An article typically requires a few revisions (drafts) before it's ready to publish. The first draft goes to you for feedback, fact checking, and editing. The second draft will be fine- tuned with the editorial department of the publication. The third draft usually sees publication. After articles appear in print, we will arrange for reprints for inclusion in your marketing materials.
Reaching Out In All DirectionsWe leverage Get Slightly Famous marketing strategies to help cients reach out in new directions to grow their business and fully connect with their best prospects. As we pursue core objectives, we constantly seek ways to generate greater results. Get Slightly Famous marketing strategies can include web site optimization, teleseminar and public speaking strategies, developing new income streams with information products, implementing cause-related marketing campaigns, creating a company newsletter, and reaching out through niche networking and strategic partnerships. In the News!Depending on individual circumstances, most clients experience results within 3 months after we start working together. The duration of Full-Service Programs is usually from 6-to-12 months, and we guarantee results. How Do I Get Started?For details and pricing on the Full- Service Programs, please contact us directly by filling out a short form. |
Get Slightly Famous * contact@getslightlyfamous.com
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Get Slightly Famous™ is a Trademark of Steven Van Yoder |