Ideas Behind GSF

In a crowded marketplace, where your potential clients and customers have lots of choices, you can stand out by being just slightly famous. This is the exact opposite of mass marketing. It’s not about being all things to all people, but being a mini-celebrity to the right people. It’s about targeting your market and developing a reputation as a great resource—trustworthy, knowledgeable, and close at hand. (Get Slightly Famous)

The key to succeeding in today’s crowded marketplace centers on positioning your company as an authority and influencer in target markets that are comprised of your best prospects, customers and clients. Underlying and guiding these efforts are these basic principles:

Unique Market Niche

Working in a global economy means that the number of businesses competing for the same customers has grown proportionately. Get Slightly Famous shows how to succeed against increased competition and avoid blending into a sea of look-alikes by targeting your best prospects and cultivating a compelling brand and reputation.

Thought Leadership

Consumers dismiss self-promotional marketing because it lacks both objectivity and credibility. Get Slightly Famous helps you embrace thought leadership marketing by offering the information your prospects are seeking by providing useful, honest information at each stage of the buying cycle that helps them make informed buying decisions.

Executive Branding

Branding starts at the top. We show how a range of business leaders – from C-suite executives to founders or managers of small to medium sized companies – can position themselves (and, by extension, their companies) as industry influencers and brand champions that earn more attention and market credibility than their lesser known competitors.

Earned Media

What others say about your brand is more important (and credible) than what you say yourself. Get Slightly Famous shows how to pursue earned media and PR to establish a company’s reputation and brand, while reaching and attracting high-end buyers.

Authority Content

Content marketing has become a necessary tool for reaching buyers. Yet, most content marketing fails because it lacks third-party credibility. We show you how to create authority content that reaches thousands of qualified prospects, with more reach and credibility than self publishing content solely on a company’s own website.

Online Presence

Online media is now a central component in building a successful business. Yet, many companies succumb to the latest fads, trends and gimmicks, wasting time and resources without achieving real results or ROI. We show companies how to avoid the bandwagon in favor of evidence-based approaches for building an effective, authoritative online presence.

Social Responsibility

Nothing builds brand loyalty among today’s increasingly hard-to-please consumers like a company’s proven commitment to a social cause. We provide tips, strategies, and case studies that showcase best practices around the growing field of strategic business philanthropy.

Working on these principles is your recipe for bidding farewell to the anonymity trap, creating a slightly famous you, and building a successful business.